The Legislation
The main Romanian / European laws regarding the following environment factors:
- Law no. 104/2011 regarding the quality of ambient air
- Ord. no. 578/2006 regarding the Calculation Methodology of contribution and taxes due to the Environmental Fund
- O.U.G. no. 196/2005 regarding Environmental Fund
- O.U.G. no. 114/2007 for the modification and completion of emergency Ordinance no. 195/2005 regarding environment protection
- O.U.G. no. 164/2008 for the modification and completion of emergency Ordinance no. 195/2005 regarding environment protection
- Law no. 265/2006 for the approval of O.U.G. no. 195/2005 regarding environment protection
- Order. no. 448/2007 for the approval of Normative for assessment for Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel and polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons in ambient air
- Law no. 3/2001 regarding ratification of Protocol from Kyoto at framework Convention of United Nations over climate changes, adopted at 11.12.1997
- H.G. no. 445/2009 regarding the assessment of impact of some public and private projects over environment
- O.U.G. no. 152/2005 regarding the prevention and integrated control of pollution, with the subsequent modifications and completions
- Council Directive 96/62/CEE regarding the assessment and management of the quality of ambient air, amended by EC Regulation no. 1882/2003
- H.G. no. 878/2005 regarding public access to environmental information
- Law no. 310/2004 regarding modifications and completions of Law of waters no. 107/1996
- H.G. no. 188/2002 for the approval of some norms regarding discharge conditions of waste waters into aquatic environment
- Directive of European Parliament and Council 2000/60/CE of establishment of Community framework to act in the field of water strategy
- H.G. no. 1408/2007 regarding the method of investigation and assessment of soil and subsoil pollution
- H.G. no. 1403/2007 regarding the restoration of areas in which the soil, subsoil and land ecosystems have been affected
- H.G. no. 321/2005 regarding the assessment and management of ambient noise
- Directive of European Parliament and Council 2002/49/CE regarding the noise assessment and management in environment
Waste management
- Law no.426/2001 regarding approval of O.U.G no.78/2000, regarding waste regime
- H.G. no. 856/2002 regarding waste management and approval of list comprising waste, including hazardous waste.
- H.G. no. 349/2005 regarding waste storage
- H.G. no. 268/2005 regarding the modification and completion of H.G. no. 128/2002 regarding waste incineration
- regarding packages and packages waste management
- Law no.465/2001 management of recyclable industrial waste
- H.G. no. 662/2001 management of used oils
- H.G. no. 170/2004 management of used tires
- Law no. 360/2003 regime of hazardous substances and chemical preparations